It's A Hot One!

Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse.
So the Twin Cities set a high today. I don' t think it was a record, but this was the first time since 1995 that the temp has been over 100 degrees. This was the ninth day in a row above 90. Kind of warm don't you think? So how did you stay cool? How do you beat the heat? Well the boys and I had some fun playing with the hose last night. It was amazing that I was soaking myself with cold tap water, but it really didn't feel that cold. The boys were having fun with the water, throwing it around. Their diapers became quite water logged and droopy. I had an idea to move our new play structure to the pool so the boys could slide right into the water. Josh went down several times but Jakin only once. Jakin started out on his trip down and managed to roll to his stomach. He then shot down the slide and landed face down in the pool. He wasn't all that happy about it. He was rather upset. I gave him a hug and as he was still wimpering I said "wasn't that fun?" Jakin responded, "yeah"!

Stay cool!

Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse.

Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse.

Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse.


The Whalens said...

That looks like fun! We enjoyed going to the creek with you guys. When you do it again let us know.