Off to El Salvador....


Hello everyone - late tonight, or early tomorrow, however you look at it, our team will be heading to El Salvador for 10 days of teaching english and outreaching to the students. Here are some details.

El Salvador Team 2008
April 19th-28th

Seth Rosenzweig
Ben Robison
Christine Grue
Jon Dordal
Beth Biesaida
Jamie Radich
Kim Wells
Lindsey Siegfried
Eli Murphy
Leon Dehnke
Rob Gianotti
Kevin Meyer
Ryan Stahl

Flight Info

Saturday 19th
Leave MSP 5:30 am
Arrive Atlanta 8:58 am
Leave Atlanta 10:05 am
Arrive San Salvador 11:56 am

Monday 28th
Leave San Salvador 12:56 pm
Arrive Atlanta 6:29 pm
Leave Atlanta 9:45 pm
Arrive MSP 11:30 pm

Here's what to pray for!

El Salvador Prayer List

1. Safety of the team (God's hand of protection).
2. Smooth travels (on-time flights)
3. Team Unity
4. Our hearts (open to God's plan and His leading)
5. Prepared hearts of those in El Salvador.
6. Opportunities to witness
7. Effectiveness in teaching English and sharing the Gospel.
8. That we would be a blessing to the local church.
9. Changed lives (ours and theirs).
10.Culture shock (pray for our transition when we come back).

Christine will be updating her blog - so check it out here....

Jude's Photo Shoot

Jude @ Two

Here is one photo of Jude's 2-year photo shoot. He is such a cheese. He has a great smile and sense of humor. He can really light up a room.
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The Great Upset....

The Great Upset put on a great show Saturday Night. My wife and I had a blast. Maybe it is because we don't get out much. Needless to say, the show was phenomenal. Thanks for the great show guys! I love the new album.
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We took a trip to Alabama to visit Laura's Dad and step Mom. One day we went fishing, we didn't manage to get any bites since I spent the entire time removing tangles, fixing lines etc. I didn't have many expectations, but I had know idea I would spend my entire time hooking them up, pun intended. This photo is of Jakin's fine work on getting his line tangled.
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