
Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse.

Jude in the Sink

Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse.
Josh and Jakin were in the tub and didn't leave any room for Jude. He is pretty funny and gets into everything. I thought this was a great picture of his bath in the sink. It had great light and a great expression on Jude. "you looking at me?"

Jude's First Birthday

Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse.
Jude celebrated is first birthday on March 21st. It is funny how time does fly. We must be having fun! I have posted many photos from both of Jude's cake eating extravaganzas. By the second time around, he got the hang of it. Click the photos link on the right hand side to see more photos!


Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse.
I used this photo for emails sent out to our families. It is our way of saying that numero quatro is on the way in October. Boy? Girl? Who knows - we are very excited and look forward to this arrival in a few months.