Josh's Birthday

Wow, our oldest son turns 3 today. How exciting! I sure feel old and I often wonder, “Where did the time go?” We have a full day planned for Josh. It includes a trip to the MN Zoo. We have a date to feed the Giraffes. A couple of his buddies and their families will join us at the zoo. It should be a super fun day.


It was certainly a super fun day at the zoo. Josh really liked feeding the giraffes. Did you know that a giraffe has an 18" tongue? It also can reach and grab things, like an elephants trunk. Anyway, Josh enjoyed his birthday and so did his buddies Isaiah, Dylan, Rowan and his brother Jakin. We also enjoyed the time with our friends too!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Joshua!

You are such a big boy! I bet your birthday was extra special with your family and friends at the zoo.

We will see you in a couple of weeks.

Love you sooooooooo much!
Grandma Sandi and Papa John

Anonymous said...

Happy Bday Kid...

Anonymous said...

Hey Josh,

I loved the pictures from the zoo.
Was it fun feeding the giraffes? I have never been that close to one so you are a lucky boy.

See you soon.

Love, Grandma Sandi