When you are in the middle of nowhere...

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Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse
When boys have to go, they have to go. Take a look at a map of northeast Colorado along I-76. There isn't much there. I think this photo really captures the moment....

Family Photo

Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse
We traveled to Colorado for an early Christmas. This was taken on my brother's fireplace. I will post some other funny photos from the trip soon!

time for an intervention....

Our sweet Gracie Bean got this really nice blanky as a gift from our neighbor. Having been through 3 boys who were highly addicted to their LARGE blankies, we thought that Gracie would do well with something smaller. It has worked flawlessly.... until tonight. We never realized how attached Gracie is to the bunny. For some reason, Gracie had an upset stomach after house church. She threw up a little bit in her bed, on her bunny and in her hair. So the bunny had to go in the wash. We located several other bunnies, hoping to appease her. This was to no avail. By this time the bunny was 1/2 hour in to a 1 hour wash cycle. No way to spot wash it now. So after a while Grace was just up with us in the living room. We were able to locate the exact bunny she has. When Grace saw the bunny on the screen, she pointed and said "Bah". I think she recognized the bunny. So while the bunny was drying, we decided to order another bunny. The method to our madness is we don't want to be in a BIG Dilema if something were to happen to the bunny on any one of our upcoming road trips.

So, the dryer is done. The bunny is mostly dry. Gracie takes one look, starts cuddling and basically said (without words), that is what i was looking for. It is 11:00PM now, we haven't heard a peep since she got her bunny back and in 3-6 business days, we will have a little insurance for the road trip.

On another note, we may have to quietly ween her off her bunny. We had to do the same thing with her and snow suits. When she was an infant, she loved the confined, warm space of a snow suit. That is the only way she would sleep. Thankfully we got her off that as well as her brothers off of their blankets. There is a reason we have a blanket tote in our shed.

Grace's First Birthday

Grace First Few Steps

The Stahl Family Reunion

Photos from The Stahl Family Reunion. Use the arrow keys to scroll through the photos. Go to my flickr page to get the actual photos... here!

The Great Upset CD Release Party!

Photos from The Great Upset CD Release Party - The Ritz - April 5th, 2008.

You can use the right/left arrow keys to scroll through the slideshow.

Go here to get the photos you see above!


Off to El Salvador....


Hello everyone - late tonight, or early tomorrow, however you look at it, our team will be heading to El Salvador for 10 days of teaching english and outreaching to the students. Here are some details.

El Salvador Team 2008
April 19th-28th

Seth Rosenzweig
Ben Robison
Christine Grue
Jon Dordal
Beth Biesaida
Jamie Radich
Kim Wells
Lindsey Siegfried
Eli Murphy
Leon Dehnke
Rob Gianotti
Kevin Meyer
Ryan Stahl

Flight Info

Saturday 19th
Leave MSP 5:30 am
Arrive Atlanta 8:58 am
Leave Atlanta 10:05 am
Arrive San Salvador 11:56 am

Monday 28th
Leave San Salvador 12:56 pm
Arrive Atlanta 6:29 pm
Leave Atlanta 9:45 pm
Arrive MSP 11:30 pm

Here's what to pray for!

El Salvador Prayer List

1. Safety of the team (God's hand of protection).
2. Smooth travels (on-time flights)
3. Team Unity
4. Our hearts (open to God's plan and His leading)
5. Prepared hearts of those in El Salvador.
6. Opportunities to witness
7. Effectiveness in teaching English and sharing the Gospel.
8. That we would be a blessing to the local church.
9. Changed lives (ours and theirs).
10.Culture shock (pray for our transition when we come back).

Christine will be updating her blog - so check it out here....


Jude's Photo Shoot

Jude @ Two

Here is one photo of Jude's 2-year photo shoot. He is such a cheese. He has a great smile and sense of humor. He can really light up a room.
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The Great Upset....

The Great Upset put on a great show Saturday Night. My wife and I had a blast. Maybe it is because we don't get out much. Needless to say, the show was phenomenal. Thanks for the great show guys! I love the new album.
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We took a trip to Alabama to visit Laura's Dad and step Mom. One day we went fishing, we didn't manage to get any bites since I spent the entire time removing tangles, fixing lines etc. I didn't have many expectations, but I had know idea I would spend my entire time hooking them up, pun intended. This photo is of Jakin's fine work on getting his line tangled.
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Happy Son!

Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse
Josh says he loves me all the time. Everyday. He loves momma all the time, everyday. This is the look he gives when he is in a great mood. Way to go Josh - Great attitude!

Mom's Away Explanation

My lovely wife Laura left us all alone one weekend way back in November of 2006. We did survive, barely. She left us with no money, no food and just the clothes on our back. Our boys learned to be tough and to survive on next to nothing. We are all stronger from the experience.

Mom's Away...

Very Sick Indeed

Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse
A few weeks ago, I spent the entire saturday being sick on the floor. It is a good thing I have 3 very capable "doctors" looking after me. The tape on my face is a bandage from the shot I received. I got quite a few shots that day, and there were many I got in the face. Not sure why I would get a shot in the face? Did I mention they were "doctors?" In this picture Jakin is checking my teeth. Not sure why, but evidently good dental health is good for overall health. Jude is listening to see how my food is digesting. Not sure on that one either, but who am I to argue with these fine medical/dental professionals?

Grace at 3 months

Isn't she cute?


Here are some funny happenings from The Stahlhouse.
A few weeks back I took the boys to the Mall of Hysteria.  It was a cold night and they needed to get some energy out.  I did take a stroller, but my intent was for Josh and Jake to walk the whole time.  This worked quite well and they walked and walked and walked.  When we were towards the end, Jakin asked if he could go on my shoulders.  I said sure and when I did this I noticed that his shoes were on the wrong feet.  Very uncomfortable for 2 laps around the mall.
Mushrooms at Fort Smelling
I decided to take another boys adventure, this time to Fort Snelling to roast some marshmallows.  They have this really cool shelter with a fireplace.  Well Jakin for some reason kept saying mushrooms instead of marshmallows.  The boys also have the habit of calling Fort Snelling, Fort Smelling.
We were all downstairs playing legos and Jude disappears.  He proceeds to come back downstairs with the pitcher.  He puts it in front of me and says "Daddy, KEEM!"  I chuckled, but Jude didn't seem to impressed from my lack of action.  He then went back upstairs to get the blender base and say again "Daddy, KEEM!"  Needless to say, I got the hint that Jude wanted malts made with Ice Cream (Keem).
Jude has a cute, but sometimes overboard habit of telling you something over and over.  When having dinner, Jude with either say Daddy or Mama and when we say "yes JuJu", he says "good".  The food is good? we say.  He says "good."  Jude will repeat this at least 5 times before he tires of it.  It is great that he likes the food, but when he yells "DADDY or MAMA" just to tell you the food is good for the fifth time, it can be rough.  Am I being selfish?  I am thankful that he likes the food, but man can that be tough to hear repeatedly.