Family Photos

See this link for the polished versions of the latest "milestone" pictures. Josh at 3, Jakin at 2, Jude at 1/2. Then our family photo too!

The Stahlhouse Dictionary

Boobins - in the last post Josh had used this term in conjunction with a police car toy. He did use the term again 2 weeks ago. We were on our way home from house church and we had to wait at a stoplight as 2 squad cars went flying through the intersection. Josh said when we got home that he saw two boobins. In talking with Laura, we think this pronunciation comes from Ambulance. As in boolance to the term boobins.

Guk - this is milk. Both Josh and Jakin used this term for milk without learning it from each other. The jury is still out on Jude, he still has some more time.

Sawgage - this is Josh's term for Sausage.

Brocky - Brocolli (Jakin really likes Brocky)

BanBan - Band Aid

PakPak - Back Pack

.... more to follow....

Commonly Heard Phrases in thestahlhouse!

As we are growing as parents, and as our kids are growing up to be more vocal contributors to our household, we have heard some mighty fine "words" come out of the mouth of our "babes."

"Momma, my nose doesn't work!" ~ This was uttered by Josh one morning when he woke up with a stuffy nose.

Momma - "Josh do you have to go poop on the potty?"
Josh - "No, I don't have to go poop on the potty?"
Momma - "Why don't you go and try?"
Josh - "Can you help me?"
Momma - "How can I help you go poop on the potty? Go up there and try to go."
Josh - "grunt, grunt, grunt - No poop coming"
Momma - "keep trying!"
Josh - "no poop coming"
Momma - "keep trying"
Josh - "Poop is coming"
Josh - "I poop a lot"
Momma - "nice job Josh"

Jakin - "nak"
Momma - "what's that honey?"
Jakin - "momma, nak"
Momma - "You want a 'snack'?"
Jakin - "No, nak"
Momma - "does you neck hurt?"
Jakin - "No, nak"
Momma - "can you show me what you want"
Jakin then takes momma to the bathroom where he gets his Kleenex. I guess that is what he heard. Klee Naks!

Josh - "I want my bloobins"
Daddy - "what, you want your bloobins?"
Josh - "Yes, my bloobins."
Daddy - "Can you show me where your bloobins is?"
Josh then takes me upstairs to the toy bin and points to a police matchbox car. So today that was a bloobins. I have know idea where that came from.

Jakin - "Bee-yo"
Momma - "you want to watch a video?"
Jakin - "no, bee-yo"
Momma - "Josh, what is Jakin saying?"
Josh - "bee-yo"
.... to be continued, we still aren't sure what Jakin was saying.
Daddy - "Josh it's time for you to rest"
Josh - "It's not time, I don't want to go to sleep"
Daddy - "you don't have to sleep, but you do need to rest in your room"
Daddy - "I have to go out and spend time with God"
Josh - "I don't want you to leave"
Daddy - "I have to leave so that I can pray and seek God for direction in leading you and being a good daddy."
Josh - "I want to go with you"
Daddy - "I need to go and spend time alone with God."
Josh - "I don't want you to leave"
Daddy - "I need to spend time with God so I can be a good daddy, don't you want me to be a good daddy?"
Josh - "no, I don't want you to be a good daddy?"

Other news.. Jakin went poop on the potty tonight. As his reward he got to go get ice cream with Daddy. It was a cookie dough blizzard. Jakin was nice enough to share it with me. Yummy!