"But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15
Wow, our oldest son turns 3 today. How exciting! I sure feel old and I often wonder, “Where did the time go?” We have a full day planned for Josh. It includes a trip to the MN Zoo. We have a date to feed the Giraffes. A couple of his buddies and their families will join us at the zoo. It should be a super fun day.
It was certainly a super fun day at the zoo. Josh really liked feeding the giraffes. Did you know that a giraffe has an 18" tongue? It also can reach and grab things, like an elephants trunk. Anyway, Josh enjoyed his birthday and so did his buddies Isaiah, Dylan, Rowan and his brother Jakin. We also enjoyed the time with our friends too!
So yesterday Laura had a hunch Jakin needed to go poop. So she scooped him up and put in on the potty in the bathroom. After a few minutes of coaxing by Laura, Jakin went poop on the potty. That is pretty cool, although I think it is a fluke. Jakin is not even 2 yet and I think he is a little young to grasp the concept. Later in the day, Laura put Jakin on the potty again. Another surprise – he went poop again. This is quite remarkable for our 22 month old. Jakin thought it was pretty cool since he got the standard reward of 2 M&M’s for going poop on the potty. So today, Laura tried again with Jakin, this time it was to no avail. Jakin was not co-operating. Afterwards Jakin came downstairs and was pointing at the M&M’s, but without going poop, he doesn’t get any. So, that confirms my theory that Jakin isn’t quite sure of what to do and what actually gets him his reward. Hopefully with big brother Josh showing the way, he will get it soon. That would be nice to have only Jude in diapers. Very nice indeed.