It's A Hot One!

Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse.
So the Twin Cities set a high today. I don' t think it was a record, but this was the first time since 1995 that the temp has been over 100 degrees. This was the ninth day in a row above 90. Kind of warm don't you think? So how did you stay cool? How do you beat the heat? Well the boys and I had some fun playing with the hose last night. It was amazing that I was soaking myself with cold tap water, but it really didn't feel that cold. The boys were having fun with the water, throwing it around. Their diapers became quite water logged and droopy. I had an idea to move our new play structure to the pool so the boys could slide right into the water. Josh went down several times but Jakin only once. Jakin started out on his trip down and managed to roll to his stomach. He then shot down the slide and landed face down in the pool. He wasn't all that happy about it. He was rather upset. I gave him a hug and as he was still wimpering I said "wasn't that fun?" Jakin responded, "yeah"!

Stay cool!

Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse.

Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse.

Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse.

The Fish Were Biting - But We Weren't Fishing!

Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse.
We made the huge committment of going swimming on Sunday. We thought that with it being so hot that we could get out and cool off. After having the preparations take approximately 45 minutes, we said "hey let's go to the pool instead of the lake". It was already after 6:00PM and the pool was only minutes away. We had checked the info on the pool earlier. I was commenting on how expensive it is to go to the pool. I started saying stuff like, "It wasn't this expensive when I was a kid". I had to stop myself from continuing for fear of feeling even older than I am. So we got to the pool, ready to fork over approx. $17 for our family to go swimming. We unloaded, got the stroller out, headed for the door. Everyone is excited, including me. We walked in the front door and the clerk said, "are you here for the party"? I said "what party?" She then proceeded to tell me that the pool is closed on Sunday nights and is only open for private rentals. This pool was pretty packed and I certainly didn't think it was a private party. So we walked back to the van, in the mean time Josh is balling and stating in a crying, very upset voice "I want to go swimming!" I told him I felt the same way and that I was about to cry too!

So back in the van - on to Ft. Snelling State Park and the beach. We arrived, ready to try out our new swimming trainers for the boys. We had new kickboards too. The lake has a very nice, shallow swimming area. It is pretty cool because you can see lots of little fish swimming around by your feet. I remember having minnows peck at my feet at Lake Miltona during our many summer vacations there. The minnows are quite nice and tickle.

Ft. Snelling has different kind of fish. They are not shy and quite aggressive. They are considerably larger than a minnow. These fish vary in size between 2 - 4". So I am playing with Josh and I no sooner did I fall over in the water on my chest, did one of these "pirahnas" atack me. No it didn't go for the juggular, it attacked my left nipple. I gave out a yelp, which Josh found quite amusing. That little fish struck me hard, it made my nipple bleed. It wasn't alot of blood, but nonetheless, it drew blood. I did have another one take a crack at my little toe later in the day, but no other incidents to report. This is very similar to our trip to the beach last year. One of those fish struck Josh in the back while he was laying in the water. Josh didn' t like that so much. He definitely likes it better when it is someone else getting bit.

We just may rethink this public pool thing after all. I just wish it wasn't so expensive. Our West Saint Paul pool charges $4 for adults and $3 for kids under 42". Those are the rates for the 6:00 to 8:00PM session. Add a buck to those prices for the afternoon session. A family membership would cost our family $185 for 3 months of swimming. Yikes! Now I realize my old stomping ground's prices have gone up too, but WSP seems very high and it doesn't seem like they are open much either.

Just for comparison - Holgate pool - Holy Cow! I just looked up the prices. They are still cheap. Excellent. Family season pass $60. Daily admission for family $5.50. Don't you think $17 is a little steep to use your local pool?

Ok, I am done venting and I still love swimming!

Tummy Time for Jude

Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse.
Jude is getting quite strong. Laura plopped him on the bed the other night and he held his head up quite high. Despite the fact that he has been ill lately. Too many runny diapers. The doc says he must have caught a summer virus. So we have to change formula (soy based) so his tummy can adjust and heal. Jude seems to like the soy based, but then again he just likes food. I don't think there is much difference with the new formula except the ripe smell. Hopefully in a few days, Jude will be back to normal.

Jude on a Morning Walk

Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse.
Jude and I went for a walk at a little before 6:00 this morning. The weather was quite nice and Jude seemed to have a good time. In other words, he stayed awake. I am amazed at how time flies so much faster when you get older. I remember waiting to be older when I was younger, now that I AM older, I wish I was younger. With kids, time certainly speeds up. Jude is 4 months old, Josh is now 3 and Jakin is pushing 2. My, my life is an adventure and Laura and I are sure enjoying it!!

At the Park

Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse.
Here is a photo with me and my oldest sons. Jude was sleeping in the stroller. We are trying to make the most of the summer. Summer always seems to fly by. It is almost August. I usually get depressed about mid-June when I know the days are getting shorter. Oh well, ice and hockey are just around the corner.
"Jude The Squaker"

I took some video of Jude this morning. Now the video is not too great because I didn't want him to get camera fright. I was trying to capture his squaking while playing on the floor. I think the video does that justice.

1 Assumptions 2:5

“Daddy’s Bible says that I get two M&M’s when I share.”

I am not sure what Bible version Josh says that I am reading. But he said that very matter of factly. I can assure you that my Bible doesn't say that. Maybe Josh was thinking of some foreign Bible that has some extra books. I could also have been a translation error from some obscure Bible. That is highly unlikely. I don’t think M&M’s were around when the Bible was written and besides, Josh can't read. How would he know what the Bible says unless I tell him. And I certainly never told him that. Kids say the silliest things!

Tough Guy!

Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse.
Jakin has quite the personality. He is always hamming it up. He has the best laugh of all our boys, so far. We haven't heard much from Jude yet. This smile was after a nice cool frozen drink. Note the very nice mustache he is sporting. We took this picture and it is probably the best smile Jakin has given. Usually his eyes are closed and mouth wide open. His teeth usually don't line up either. Jakin is a tough guy. He is always falling down, bumping his head, legs, body etc. I am concerned that he will either become Tough and Ruthless or Rough and Toothless. Jakin came over to Laura the other day and was saying "mouth, mouth" but she couldn't see any blood or injury. Somehow, someway Jakin managed to chip his tooth. Funny kid and certainly tough guy!

Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse.

Look at the Dude!

Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse.
Look at this dude! No, not me, Jude. He is getting so big. He is working on his 3rd chin and 2nd crease on his knee. Laura and I have been trying to figure out who he looks like. Our families have been doing the same thing. Jude has blondish red hair and blue eyes. Laura and I don't have those traits. So, somewhere in our family line their are some genes for what this boy has got. One thing for sure, he is a cutie, but then again, I am biased because I am his dad.

Josh's Birthday

Wow, our oldest son turns 3 today. How exciting! I sure feel old and I often wonder, “Where did the time go?” We have a full day planned for Josh. It includes a trip to the MN Zoo. We have a date to feed the Giraffes. A couple of his buddies and their families will join us at the zoo. It should be a super fun day.


It was certainly a super fun day at the zoo. Josh really liked feeding the giraffes. Did you know that a giraffe has an 18" tongue? It also can reach and grab things, like an elephants trunk. Anyway, Josh enjoyed his birthday and so did his buddies Isaiah, Dylan, Rowan and his brother Jakin. We also enjoyed the time with our friends too!

4th of July

Happy 4th of July!

We celebrated the 4th by sleeping most of the day. This afternoon everyone was down for a nap except me. Then Jude got up to keep me company. That was very nice. We were all kind of sleepy from last night. Laura and I went on a date and got home at a very late hour, 8:30. We then chatted with our baby sitters (Seth and Ann) for a while. At around nine we got our boys up and got there shoes on and headed out to the High Bridge and the Taste of Mn Fireworks. We got there pretty early, 9:30ish. The show didn't start until close to 10:15. The boys did fine. Jude slept. Josh was working the crowd, getting held by Seth, Mom, Nana or Dad. Jakin was taking plenty of pretzel bribes, but he did just fine. They enjoyed the show and we carted them back home and to bed. This morning the boys slept in, except Jude. We asked them if they enjoyed the fireworks and they said yes. So I guess it was a success!
Thank goodness.

Jakin on the Potty?

So yesterday Laura had a hunch Jakin needed to go poop.  So she scooped him up and put in on the potty in the bathroom.  After a few minutes of coaxing by Laura, Jakin went poop on the potty.  That is pretty cool, although I think it is a fluke.  Jakin is not even 2 yet and I think he is a little young to grasp the concept.  Later in the day, Laura put Jakin on the potty again.  Another surprise – he went poop again.  This is quite remarkable for our 22 month old.  Jakin thought it was pretty cool since he got the standard reward of 2 M&M’s for going poop on the potty.  So today, Laura tried again with Jakin, this time it was to no avail.  Jakin was not co-operating.  Afterwards Jakin came downstairs and was pointing at the M&M’s, but without going poop, he doesn’t get any.  So, that confirms my theory that Jakin isn’t quite sure of what to do and what actually gets him his reward.  Hopefully with big brother Josh showing the way, he will get it soon.  That would be nice to have only Jude in diapers.  Very nice indeed.