Boobins - in the last post Josh had used this term in conjunction with a police car toy. He did use the term again 2 weeks ago. We were on our way home from house church and we had to wait at a stoplight as 2 squad cars went flying through the intersection. Josh said when we got home that he saw two boobins. In talking with Laura, we think this pronunciation comes from Ambulance. As in boolance to the term boobins.
Guk - this is milk. Both Josh and Jakin used this term for milk without learning it from each other. The jury is still out on Jude, he still has some more time.
Sawgage - this is Josh's term for Sausage.
Brocky - Brocolli (Jakin really likes Brocky)
BanBan - Band Aid
PakPak - Back Pack
.... more to follow....
How's life?
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