Here are some funny happenings from The Stahlhouse.
A few weeks back I took the boys to the Mall of Hysteria. It was a cold night and they needed to get some energy out. I did take a stroller, but my intent was for Josh and Jake to walk the whole time. This worked quite well and they walked and walked and walked. When we were towards the end, Jakin asked if he could go on my shoulders. I said sure and when I did this I noticed that his shoes were on the wrong feet. Very uncomfortable for 2 laps around the mall.
Mushrooms at Fort Smelling
I decided to take another boys adventure, this time to Fort Snelling to roast some marshmallows. They have this really cool shelter with a fireplace. Well Jakin for some reason kept saying mushrooms instead of marshmallows. The boys also have the habit of calling Fort Snelling, Fort Smelling.
We were all downstairs playing legos and Jude disappears. He proceeds to come back downstairs with the pitcher. He puts it in front of me and says "Daddy, KEEM!" I chuckled, but Jude didn't seem to impressed from my lack of action. He then went back upstairs to get the blender base and say again "Daddy, KEEM!" Needless to say, I got the hint that Jude wanted malts made with Ice Cream (Keem).
Jude has a cute, but sometimes overboard habit of telling you something over and over. When having dinner, Jude with either say Daddy or Mama and when we say "yes JuJu", he says "good". The food is good? we say. He says "good." Jude will repeat this at least 5 times before he tires of it. It is great that he likes the food, but when he yells "DADDY or MAMA" just to tell you the food is good for the fifth time, it can be rough. Am I being selfish? I am thankful that he likes the food, but man can that be tough to hear repeatedly.