In the past, to encourage Josh to eat his dinner, we would tell him that he needed to eat his dinner or no dessert. Seems fair right? Anyway, as of late, Josh as been doing such a great job at eating his dinner. He eats his food and then proceeds to tell us that he would like some "zert". We don't always have dessert, but we do have after dinner treats often. Laura has this thought that Josh and I are really alike. Josh sometimes thinks of the same thing for dessert that I do, without me mentioning it. Laura said that I probably wanted a malt, but I said I was more interested in the "C-A-K-E", in the freezer. I spelled this out so Josh wouldn't hear or understand.
About a half an hour later, Josh asked momma for some "zert". Laura asked what do you want for dessert? Josh said, "cake". So Laura said, "Josh, go downstairs and ask daddy." So Josh comes downstairs and comes to me on the floor and gets about 2" from my nose and says "daddy, I want some cake!" Now Josh hasn't seen cake in a few weeks, so I thought Laura put him up to it, so I asked him if momma told him to come down, he said "yes". So I sent him back upstairs to tell momma that she is silly. I thought Laura told Josh to ask for cake, but this wasn't the case. So after I went upstairs to straighten it out and for Laura to build her case that Josh and I think alike, I went down to the freezer to get the cake. Josh asked are you going to get some cake? Then he said "Are you going to hook me up?" We all laughed pretty hard from that one. I certainly did hook my boys up with some "zert."