Grace says hi!

Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse
This cute little outfit came to us a gift. Grace is getting really big, fast. Her cheeks are getting nice and puffy. We are so blessed to have such a great family. Thanks for reading!

Christmas Card 2007

Christmas Card 2007
Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse
We wish you a very merry Christmas! Let us not forget the reason for the season.

Luke 2:8-14
8 Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. 9 And behold,[b] an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid. 10 Then the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. 11 For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. 12 And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.”
13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying:
14 “ Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”[

Birth Announcement Review IV

Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse
Grace - Our Beaner. She is getting quite plump. She sure does like her food, although not as much as her brothers. This photo was also taken in the garage. Yes, i built a fruit stand, yes those are real vegetables and yes, Grace is really in a pile of beans. Any other questions?

Birth Announcement Review III

Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse
Jude - Ahh, our little 20 month old. He is turning out to be quite the character. This picture was taken in the living room. Too cold to be in the garage.

Birth Announcement Review II

Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse
Jakin - he is 3. I got a little more elaborat with this photo. Similar to Josh, this was taken in the garage. It is cool that he is in the toolbox I got for Christmas when I was 8.

Birth Announcement Review

Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse
Josh's Birth Announcement - Sometimes I can't believe that this was 4 years ago. Man time does fly for sure!

Jude @ 18months

Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse
So I am late - he is over 19months now. But here is a shot of his unfinished pictures


Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse
We welcomed Grace Bean Stahl into the world at 7:10AM. She weighed 7lbs 5 oz, 20 in long. Mom and baby are doing well. Laura is really good a giving birth, it must be from all the practice. Now to answer the name question, we chose Bean for a middle name not because we are huge fans of produce, but because it is a family name on my side. My Grandma Joyce Stahl's Maiden name was Bean. My grandma came from a family of 4 girls, so no-one carried on the Bean name. This was our way of honoring my grandma and to carry on a family name. Gracie Bean has a nice ring to it, besides who wouldn't want to remember that my Great Grandpa was Mr. Bean?

New Photos to share

Ok - Josh turned 4 in July. Jakin turned 3 at the end of August. I finally had time to pick through all the photos I took and grab the best ones. I decided to not use my standard black background and went with some on location shots. I think both boys' pictures turned out fantastic! But you be the judge.

First Family Camping Trip!

Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse
We took our first family camping trip. It was quite the adventure for sure. The boys loved sleeping outside, in a tent. We did some great hiking, swimming, playing and truly enjoyed our time. We stayed at Gooseberry Falls State Park. This picture was taken at Temperence River State Park. I look forward to many more camping trips and starting the traditions....

More pictures to follow.
Photos Here


Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse
Jon and Nicole, I don't know you two, but I do pray that you have a wonderful marriage. It was fun being able to capture your special moment. Good timing on your part! Also, if you need anything else, please contact me. ryancstahl (at)


Photos Here!

Josh, Jude and the Monkey

Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse
Josh's 3yr pictures were taken with his favorite shirt. The red flowered Hawaiian shirt he is wearing. We only had 2 shirts, but Josh had grown out of his. Well we found another shirt in a 4T size at a thrift store for $1. That allowed me to get this great shot of the kids.

The Boys

Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse.

The boys and I went out a couple of weeks ago to do some hiking. If you ever wonder what is in the heart of little boys, take them to a place where they can hike, climb, get dirty and throw rocks in a river. You will understand really quickly, how much they love adventure. We took this picture at Minnehaha Falls park. We gave it to Laura for Mother's Day.

More Photos Here


Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse.

Jude in the Sink

Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse.
Josh and Jakin were in the tub and didn't leave any room for Jude. He is pretty funny and gets into everything. I thought this was a great picture of his bath in the sink. It had great light and a great expression on Jude. "you looking at me?"

Jude's First Birthday

Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse.
Jude celebrated is first birthday on March 21st. It is funny how time does fly. We must be having fun! I have posted many photos from both of Jude's cake eating extravaganzas. By the second time around, he got the hang of it. Click the photos link on the right hand side to see more photos!


Originally uploaded by thestahlhouse.
I used this photo for emails sent out to our families. It is our way of saying that numero quatro is on the way in October. Boy? Girl? Who knows - we are very excited and look forward to this arrival in a few months.

From the mouth of babes...

In the past, to encourage Josh to eat his dinner, we would tell him that he needed to eat his dinner or no dessert. Seems fair right? Anyway, as of late, Josh as been doing such a great job at eating his dinner. He eats his food and then proceeds to tell us that he would like some "zert". We don't always have dessert, but we do have after dinner treats often. Laura has this thought that Josh and I are really alike. Josh sometimes thinks of the same thing for dessert that I do, without me mentioning it. Laura said that I probably wanted a malt, but I said I was more interested in the "C-A-K-E", in the freezer. I spelled this out so Josh wouldn't hear or understand.
About a half an hour later, Josh asked momma for some "zert". Laura asked what do you want for dessert? Josh said, "cake". So Laura said, "Josh, go downstairs and ask daddy." So Josh comes downstairs and comes to me on the floor and gets about 2" from my nose and says "daddy, I want some cake!" Now Josh hasn't seen cake in a few weeks, so I thought Laura put him up to it, so I asked him if momma told him to come down, he said "yes". So I sent him back upstairs to tell momma that she is silly. I thought Laura told Josh to ask for cake, but this wasn't the case. So after I went upstairs to straighten it out and for Laura to build her case that Josh and I think alike, I went down to the freezer to get the cake. Josh asked are you going to get some cake? Then he said "Are you going to hook me up?" We all laughed pretty hard from that one. I certainly did hook my boys up with some "zert."